Lily has been home since Sunday and Kim and I have been trying to adjust to the NG tube feeding. She eats by mouth 4 times per day for 15 minutes and the formula she does not consume in that windows is given via her tube. The tube runs from her nose directly to her stomach. She is fed with a computerized pump all night at a rate of 20ml / hour for 10 hours.
We were both trained on the usage of the pump and the proper care of her NG tube. I even placed a tube in her nose so that we are confident we can replace it if need be. Lily left the hospital at 8 lbs 4 oz and we are hoping that she continues to grow so that she can finally have the heart surgery before the end of October. Kim is now on her FMLA leave and will be home until after Lily recovers from the surgery.
Needless to say we are both pretty exhausted. The continuous, 10 hour feed requires 2 refills of formula during the night. We are getting better at it but a night of broken up sleep is never very restful.