Both Kim and I got to hold Lily for the first time in weeks this evening and she seemed much happier after that experience. We thought that we would not be able to hold her as long as she had the ventilator in but the said that was not the case. Lily is still spiking fevers but her cultures have been negative. Her belly is also distented but an x-ray showed that it is full of air. According to Lily's nurse today, morphine and some of the other drugs that she is on can hamper the digestive tract but this should all go back to normal when she is off of the drugs. They also were able to come down a bit on the ventilator today Lily is making small steps and, hopefully, we won't have any more major setbacks.
I just got some of the bill from Lily's 2 month stay and they are pretty staggering. The running total is up to $230,000 for 11/4 to 12/24/08. Thank God we have health insurance but I still cannot figure out exactly how much of that we will owe. The added bummer with Lily still being in the hospital at the beginning of the year is that we will have to pay the entire deductible again for this year.
Ohhhh...what a blessing for you to be able to hold Lily. I remember the first time I got to hold our Lily after her OHS. I cried!!! It was a bit awkward though. I guarantee that your little Lily took comfort from being cradled in the arms of those who love her.
Bill, glad to hear that she is progressing.
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