Yesterday was a long day to say the least. Lily's surgery went well but was not perfect. The surgeons attempted to repair her heart 4 different ways to try and construct the chambers and valves but in the end she is left with a "moderate" valve leak. The surgeons told us that it is not uncommon for valves to be leaking after an AV canal repair and that Lily will probably require another surgery at some point later in life to repair this. The good news is that the chambers have been repaired and she seems to be doing well. Where her heart was performing at 300% with the defect, it will only be performing at 115-120% to make up for the leaky valve. Her cardiologist said we will still see a tremendous difference in her. Some of her symptoms can even be treated with medication.
Lily is still in the PICU on a ventilator with many lines connected and is heavily sedated. She will be in here for at least another few days until she can breath on here own 100%. At that time she will be transferred to step-down unit.
If that wasn't enough, Kim and I had to meet my parents at Fairview General Pediatric ER last night because Gwyneth had a high fever and was vomiting. As it turns out, she has a UTI.
I am back at the PICU this morning for rounds and they say she is doing as well as can be expected.
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