Liliana had her heart catheterization yesterday and the analysis was not what we wanted to hear. Her mitral valve leak has become severe and she will definitely need a third surgery. Apparently, her valve tissue is so abnormal, it has been difficult to solve this issue without resorting to a plastic replacement valve. Lily still has pneumonia and they will probably wait until she has recovered enough to go through yet another heart surgery. The surgeon spoke with us last night and said there was one more thing he could try that did not involve the plastic valve but he wanted to think about it and consult with colleagues. A plastic replacement valve is not an ideal option for an infant since it brings it's own set of complications along with the certainty of more surgeries for replacement.
As if that news wasn't bad enough, my mother had to be admitted for chest pains yesterday. She had a heart catheterization as well and ended up having blockage that required a stent to be used. She is doing fine and will be in Fairview hospital until Wednesday. Gwyneth had to be shuffled off again and is staying with some friends. This entire ordeal is equally difficult on our three-year old as well as everyone else.
I told Kim that if we wrote a book about our experience I don't think anyone would believe what has happened in the course of the last 5 weeks. Not only have we had to deal with Liliana's surgery but it has been intermixed with 3 separate family illnesses and accidents severe enough to require hospital trips.