Saturday morning we took some time out to take Gwyneth to a breakfast with Santa at my Grandmother's assisted living. It was one of the nicer events they have put on that I can remember. I took the obligatory photos but they were definitely not my best. Unfortunately, Santa and the organizers did not follow a basic rule of photography to not attempt a photo of someone backlit by a window. :) Click on the photo or
here for the entire set on Flickr.
That is nice that you were able to take some time out for her. I know that my kids appreciate when my wife and I spend time with them as there tiem with dad and mom is not the same since the baby has come. Our prayers are with you all.
This is Joyce. Very sweet photo of Gweyneth with Santa. She is so adorable. We are thinking about you and your family tonight, hoping everything is a go for tommorrow.
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