Lily has been having spiking fevers the past two days and it was found that she has a blood infection today. She is still on antibiotics and her fever seems to be down at the moment. All of her other stats seem okay when her fever is down. Lily was given another echocardiogram today and they now classify her leak as between minimal to moderate. According to one of the surgeons, it could be because of the infection that the leak seems a little worse today since the added stress can affect her body's healing process. Even so, this is still a much more acceptable valve leak than before. Hopefully, the leak will get better as she heals. I think they will be extabating her (removing the breathing tube) as soon as she gets over this infection.
It has been absolutely frigid the past 24 hours here. It was 1 degree with a -25 wind chill!
This is Joyce. I know how hard this is for all of you. Just try to remember it's the tiny little steps forward that do make a difference. Try not to let the set-backs discourage you. I realize that is easier said than done.
Sarah has pictures posted today that were taken just six months after being at the Clinic for five months. She too looked just like Lily looks today. It is amazing how quickly the body does heal once it is ready.
I love Lily's bow. Sarah and I were going to try to come visit you while we are on break this week, but I try not to take her out in this bitter cold. Please know we are always thinking of you.
Wow that looks frighteningly familiar. Sounds like things are going pretty good though. Merry Christmas, Lacey and Jax
I'm praying for your sweet daughter.
I have been thinking of you and your family.
Hang in there!!
You all remain in our thoughts and prayers!
Cathy, Mark, and Lily T.
I got to your site through Joyce and I just feel at such a loss of words for what your family is going through, what Lily must be feeling. I hope that she is making progress and will be a happy and healthy safe at home before you know it!!!
She is so gorgeous
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