Driving to work this morning a deer ran out in front of my car. It came out of nowhere and I had no time to react. Luckily, my vehicle is more SUV / Van than car and it did not come through the windshield. In fact, the deer seemed to bounce of the car and I did not run over it. The damage was fairly severe and the radiator was punctured so I filed a claim immediately and dropped it off at a local body shop and got a rental. It is a "no fault" claim so our rates won't go up but we are out the $250 deductible. 2009 has got to be a better year.
Click on the image to see more pics of the destruction.
This is Joyce. Oh for pete's sake. I can't believe it. I'm sure glad you were not hurt and you were able to keep the car under control so it was not worse. I am praying that 09 is off to a better start for you and your family.
I loved the holiday photos, especially the one with the four of you. So sweet that you got Lily into her Christmas dress.
Thanks Joyce. We cut Lily's dress in the back and the nurses helped out with the photo shoot.
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